Taking Inventory

An up-to-date inventory of your possessions can be crucial to efficient settlement at homeowner insurance claim time. After a fire or other disasteris often the wrong time to try to remember what your home or business contained!

Here are some step-by-step instructions to help you make a proper inventory of your possessions.

1. Make a detailed list of all major items. Included the date purchased, serial numbers, quantity and purchase price. Attach any original receipts.

2. Videotape or photograph both the interior and exterior of your home. Photograph each room from several angles. Include your closets, attic, garage, basement and patio.

3. Photograph items such as jewelry, silver, or furs. Place a ruler next to small items to illustrate the size. Attach copies of appraisal forms to inventory.

4. Update photos after home improvements or major purchases.

5. Include the video recorder or camera on your list.

6. Store the inventory list, attached documents and photos or videotape in a safe-deposit box.

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