Massachusetts Halloween Trick or Treat Homeowner Insurance Safety Tips

Halloween Tips Mass Home Insurance Safe Trick-or-Treating Tips:

•Young children should be accompanied by an adult or responsible teenager when going door-to-door.

•If you can’t accompany your children, instruct them to trick-or-treat in their own neighborhood and along well-lighted streets.

•If children are going to be out after dark, make sure they carry a flashlight.

•Teach your children to use sidewalks if they can. If there are no sidewalks, they should walk on the left side of the street, facing traffic.

•Know with which friends your children will be and which route they are taking.

•Leave your porch light on so children will know it is okay to visit your home.

•Instruct children never to eat anything until they are home and the treats have been carefully examined. Cut and wash fruit before eating. Throw away anything unwrapped. Check the wrappers of commercial treats for evidence of tampering. Call the police if there are any suspicious treats.



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