Massachusetts Home Insurance

Merry Christmas from HomeownerQuote

Homeowner insurance is designed to protect your home from certain perils such as fire, theft, wind, hail, falling objects, riot, vehicle damage, explosion, smoke and bursting of pipes. Notable exclusions are: flood, earthquake, mold, mildew, rot or animal damage.

When setting up your policy your Massachusetts Independent Insurance Agent will attempt to come up with The Replacement Cost of your home. Not to be confused with Market Value, The Replacement Value is the amount of money it would take to replace you home if it were destroyed by an insurance loss. The Coverage A, Dwelling, amount should represent this Replacement Value.

Protect Your Home-

Your home is one of the largest investments you will ever have. You want to make certain that your coverage is tailored to your individual home and personal needs. Your Independent, Massachusetts Insurance Agent will offer quality, basic coverage with many features and many coverage options to enhance your protection.

Homeowners Insurance Coverage Protects:

  • Dwelling (your home)
  • Other Structures, such as a detached garage, shed, fence, mailbox or doghouse
  • Personal Property, including furniture, clothing, appliances and much more
  • Loss of Use, for living expenses, when the home is damaged and uninhabitable
  • Personal Liability Coverage, protects you and your family against a claim or lawsuit if someone is injured or their property is damaged while at your home
  • Medical Payments to Others

Coverage Options:

  • Personal Property Replacement Cost Protection. Provides full replacement cost (no depreciation)for your personal belongings
  • Replacement Cost Protection on your Dwelling. Provides the extra insurance you need to rebuild your house if your coverage amount is inadequate
  • Personal Injury. Protects you against libel and slander
  • Schedule Valuable Items. Provides a blanket of coverage that is broader than what a basic Homeowners policy provides. It is the right coverage for people who own valuable possessions such as jewelry, fine arts, collectibles, antiques and other “special items”
  • Umbrella Policy. Offers an additional $1 million to $5 million of liability protection
  • Flood Coverage. Flood damage is typically not covered under a home
    • insurance policy. This affordable coverage covers damage to your property and provides cleanup reimbursement
    • Earthquake Endorsement will find you products that are competitively priced & that offer great value with many money-saving discounts:

    • New or renovated home discount
    • Account discount when you insure both your auto and home with the same company
    • Loss free credit
    • Non-smoker credit
    • Security discounts are available for homes with: smoke detectors, dead bolts, fire extinguishers or alarm systems.

    Helpful site for Buyers, Sellers & Owners of Homes –

Home Insurance Tips For First Time Buyers

New Home Buyer Insurance Tips

So you have now purchased your first home. What an exciting time! You probably have some plans on how you want to “make it your own.” In making these plans you should consider the best way to protect your investment. As a first-time home buyer, are you aware that the purchase of a home is perhaps the biggest financial investment most folks make in their lifetime?

All of the paperwork involved can be confusing. The bank that is financing your new home will help when it comes time to close on the sale. But the bank’s concern is protecting themselves. While they will require you to have Homeowner’s Insurance, they will not give you any advice on how to best protect your new home. This is up to you! As a first-time home buyer, selecting the proper policy and coverages can be confusing.

What kinds of Insurance Policies can you buy?

There are 3 types of policies. These are based on the type of coverage provided.

  • Broad Coverage on your home and personal possessions. This is a list of various kinds of losses that are covered by the While this will cover the most common types of losses that can occur, it does not cover everything.
  • Broad Coverage on your personal possessions and All Risk Coverage on your Home. While your personal possessions are covered for the most common types of losses, your home is covered for All Risk Coverage.
  • All Risk Coverage on your Home and Personal Possessions.

How Much Coverage Should I Have on My Home?

In order to fully protect your home you need to consider insuring it for its Replacement Cost (rebuilding cost). To first-time home buyers this concept can be confusing. Just remember that in most cases the replacement cost will be different than what you paid for the house. If you purchased a new house these may be the same, but if you purchased an older house the replacement cost may be higher.

How is the Replacement Cost Determined?

Your insurance agent or insurance company will determine this based upon your home’s size, type of construction, amenities, and other information.

What is covered by a Homeowner Insurance Policy?

  • Your home.
  • The garage – whether attached or It can also cover any other detached buildings.
  • Your personal This includes your clothing, appliances, furniture, tools, outdoor equipment. Most policies will provide a limited amount of coverage when your possessions are away from your home.
  • Additional living costs. When you have to move out while your home is being repaired after an insured loss, this repays for any increase in your normal monthly expenses.
  • Someone is injured on your property.
  • Your liability if you (or a family member) accidently injures someone or destroys their property.

How Much Liability Coverage Should I Carry?

As a first-time home buyer this may be the most difficult to determine. You should consider carrying enough to protect the financial interest you have in your home and other equities (401K, investments, etc.).

What is a deductible and how does it apply?

A deductible is the amount of money you will have to pay when you have a claim for covered damage done to your house, garage, detached buildings or your personal possessions. A deductible does not apply to liability coverage.

Help for First Time Home Buyer is here!

We specialize in helping our customers in finding the most effective coverages and amounts of coverage needed. Call us we will discuss your options. Remember that if we also insure your cars you will get a discount on insuring your most valuable asset:  your Home!


Complete Protection for Your Home

HomeownerQuote MA

Your home is one of the largest investments you will ever have. You want to make certain that your coverage is tailored to your individual home and personal needs. Your Independent, Massachusetts Insurance Agent will offer quality, basic coverage with many features and many coverage options to enhance your protection.

A Homeowners Policy Protects:

  • Dwelling (your home)
  • Other Structures, such as a detached garage, shed, fence, mailbox or doghouse
  • Personal Property, including furniture, clothing, appliances and much more
  • Loss of Use, for living expenses, when the home is damaged and uninhabitable
  • Personal Liability Coverage, protects you and your family against a claim or lawsuit if someone is injured or their property is damaged while at your home
  • Medical Payments to Others

Coverage Options:

  • Personal Property Replacement Cost Protection. Provides full replacement cost (no depreciation)for your personal belongings
  • Replacement Cost Protection on your Dwelling. Provides the extra insurance you need to rebuild your house if your coverage amount is inadequate
  • Personal Injury. Protects you against libel and slander
  • Schedule Valuable Items. Provides a blanket of coverage that is broader than what a basic Homeowners policy provides. It is the right coverage for people who own valuable possessions such as jewelry, fine arts, collectibles, antiques and other “special items”
  • Umbrella Policy. Offers an additional $1 million to $5 million of liability protection
  • Flood Coverage. Flood damage is typically not covered under a home insurance policy. This affordable coverage covers damage to your property and provides cleanup reimbursement
  • Earthquake Endorsement

Massachusetts Home Insurance

MA Home Insurance Quote

We recommend, when shopping for homeowner insurance in Massachusetts, give us a call or click.

We will shop your MA home insurance with numerous companies to provide you the best rates, the best companies, the best insurance programs, and the best options.

We will work with you to help determine your MA home insurance needs.

Call or click us today ….

The basics of homeowner insurance coverage:

Covered Perils – A homeowner insurance policy will provide protection from: fire or lightning, windstorm or hail, explosion, aircraft, vehicles, riot or civil commotion, smoke, theft, vandalism/malicious mischief, glass breakage, volcanic eruption, falling objects, weight of ice, snow or sleet, freezing of plumbing, accidental plumbing discharge, rupture of steam or hot water heating system, air conditioning systems, or water heaters, damage from artificially generated electricity.

Exclusions – A homeowners policy excludes coverage from: flood, or water that backs up through sewers, loss to building by earthquake, aftershocks and mud slides, loss by enforcement law or ordinance regulating construction, repair or demolition, or zoning, loss due to power interruption when the interruption takes place off the residence property, loss due to neglect of the insured to save and preserve property following a loss, war and nuclear perils, intentional loss.

Massachusetts Home Insurance

MA Home Insurance has been giving out free Massachusetts home insurance quotes since 2001. When taking advantage of our services, you are utilizing the power of the Massachusetts Independent Insurance Agent.

Your MA Independent Agent shops your coverage with numerous companies to find you the best premiums and coverage.

In Massachusetts, homeowner insurance rates are not all the same.

Different companies have different appetites for different kinds of risks.

Do you own or are you buying a coastal home?

Is your home in a flood zone?

Do you own a dog?

Do you have a trampoline?

Have you had past insurance losses?

What kind of condition is your home in?

All these questions are factors when determining the most competitive Massachusetts home insurance market.

Give us a call or click us today.

You will be glad you did.


MA Home Insurance

According to industry sources, home insurance rates across the country are going up. They are going up here in Massachusetts, as well.

This does not have to be bad news.

With the assistance of you can actively shop your home insurance with numerous companies with the click of a button!

You will be instantly utilizing the power of the Massachusetts independent insurance agent.

We will review your coverage, maximize discount programs, and shop your coverage with multiple companies.

Even though rates are going up, with the assistance of, you will be able to save some money.

So, take off your jacket and shoes, find your existing home insurance coverage Declarations Page, and spend a few minutes filling out our online quote request form.

You will be glad you did.

Massachusetts Homeowner Insurance

There are three types of homeowner insurance policies: the standard, homeowner insurance policy (owner occupied residence, HO-3), the apartment policy (renter policy, HO-4), and the condominium policy (HO-6).

Each policy is a package policy which includes Section 1 coverage and Section 2 coverage.

Depending on kind of homeowner policy, Part 1 coverage may include: A) Dwelling; B) Other Structures; C) Personal Property; and D) Loss of Use.

Section 2 coverage includes: E) Personal Liability and F) Medical Payments

The standard (HO-3), owner-occupied, Massachusetts home insurance policy includes coverages A – F.

The apartment policy (HO-4) includes only coverages C – F.

The condominium policy (HO-6) includes coverage A, no coverage B (unless added by endorsement), and coverages C -F.

To get a Massachusetts Home Insurance Quote, call or click us today!