Bad Dog!

Dog coverage  on your home insurance policy

Personally, I love dogs.

As your friendly neighborhood insurance agent, professionally, do I love dogs?

Not so much.

Sadly, dog bites are a common cause for claims on home insurance policies. Sometimes big claims. With dogs, anything from playful nips and serious, provoked biting attacks can cause injuries. As any dog owner knows, every dog has a threshold that can trigger the animal to bite. Some breeds of dogs are considered to be more at risk and harder to insure than others, including:

  • Akita
  • Doberman pinscher
  • German shepherd
  • Pit bull
  • Rottweiler
  • Staffordshire bull terrier

Do you have coverage for your Dog?

In addition to certain breeds, your homeowners insurance may have exclusions for dogs that have been designated as dangerous or even exclude coverage for dogs altogether, regardless of their reputation or lineage.

Before you get a dog, give your agent a call to see if your new, best friend is on your company’s “do not insure” list!

Animal Liability Coverage

Certain dog breeds aren’t the only prejudiced against pets on the standard home policy.

Think twice before you think you can invite the following critters onto your coverage:

  • Alligators
  • Amphibians: frogs, toads, salamanders and newts
  • Apes, non-human primates
  • Bears
  • Cockatiels
  • Coyotes, fox, hyenas, wolves and wolf-dog hybrids
  • Hares
  • Hedgehogs
  • Raccoons, skunks
  • Sugar gliders
  • Wild felines: lions, tigers, bobcats and ocelots
  • Reptiles: lizards, snakes, tortoises, turtles

Massachusetts Dog Insurance Coverage

MA Dog Insurance

Owning a pet can bring both many joys and much financial responsibility. Pet owners may not know that they can be held liable for any harm pets cause to people, property and other animals. The relationship that you have with your pet is an important part of your life, and knowing that you have the right coverage can bring peace of mind.

While deaths caused by pets are relatively rare, bites are not uncommon and some can be very serious causing painful personal injury. In the event some unfortunate incident should occur, standard homeowners insurance may not provide the amount of coverage needed and can even exclude some exotic species of animals or breeds of dogs or dogs that have been declared dangerous.

No one wants to believe an otherwise lovable pet could cause serious injury or property damage, but if something serious were to happen you want to have the coverage needed to handle compensation claims attributable to the incident. If you own a pet, additional pet insurance may be needed to fully cover an accident, loss or other incident.

Dog Ownership and MA home insurance

Sadly, dog bites are a common cause for claims on homeowners insurance. With dogs, anything from playful nips and serious, provoked biting attacks can cause injuries. As any dog owner knows, every dog has a threshold that can trigger the animal to bite. Some breeds of dogs are considered to be more at risk and harder to insure than others, including:

  • Akita
  • Doberman pinscher
  • German shepherd
  • Pit bull
  • Rottweiler
  • Staffordshire bull terrier

Do you have coverage for your Dog?

In addition to certain breeds, your homeowners insurance may have exclusions for dogs that have been designated as dangerous or even exclude coverage for dogs altogether, regardless of their reputation or lineage. Before you get a dog, find out what your policy covers for canine liability and consider additional pet insurance to make up for any gaps or exclusions.

Animal Liability Coverage

At times, under the wrong circumstances, things can get out of hand with any household pet, but certain species and breeds of dogs are often considered more of a risk. Standard homeowners insurance may not cover animals, including:

  • Alligators
  • Amphibians: frogs, toads, salamanders and newts
  • Apes, non-human primates
  • Bears
  • Cockatiels
  • Coyotes, fox, hyenas, wolves and wolf-dog hybrids
  • Hares
  • Hedgehogs
  • Raccoons, skunks
  • Sugar gliders
  • Wild felines: lions, tigers, bobcats and ocelots
  • Reptiles: lizards, snakes, tortoises, turtles

Find out Your Options for Insuring Your Home and Your Pet

If you own a pet in Massachusetts, contact to discuss your policy and options making sure your pet is covered, either with your homeowners policy or pet insurance. We share your fondness for your pet  and we understand the need to protect you and your pets. Call us at 781-246-8699.