Massachusetts Homeowner Insurance Protection

A Homeowners Policy Protects:

– Dwelling (your home)

– Other Structures, such as a detached garage, shed, fence, mailbox or doghouse

– Personal Property, including furniture, clothing, appliances and much more

– Loss of Use, for living expenses, when the home is damaged and uninhabitable

– Personal Liability Coverage, protects you and your family against a claim or lawsuit if someone is injured or their property is damaged while at your home

– Medical Payments to Others

Coverage Options:

– Personal Property Replacement Cost Protection. Provides full replacement cost (no depreciation)for your personal belongings

– Replacement Cost Protection on your Dwelling. Provides the extra insurance you need to rebuild your house if your coverage amount is inadequate

– Personal Injury. Protects you against libel and slander

– Schedule Valuable Items. Provides a blanket of coverage that is broader than what a basic Homeowners policy provides. It is the right coverage for people who own valuable possessions such as jewelry, fine arts, collectibles, antiques and other “special items”

– Umbrella Policy. Offers an additional $1 million to $5 million of liability protection

– Flood Coverage. Flood damage is typically not covered under a home insurance policy. This affordable coverage covers damage to your property and provides cleanup reimbursement

– Earthquake Endorsement

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