4th of July Home Insurance Safety Tips

Happy 4th of July from HomeownerQuote.com!

Keep your home and family safe this 4th of July

We’ve identified 3 areas of largest risk to homeowners.

1. Grill Safety- Almost everyone fires up the grill for the 4th of July. Grilling accidents are the number 1 most common insurance injury and property damage claims. This holiday season: make sure you’ve cleaned and inspected your grill. Make certain propane attachents are secure, tight and unencumbered. Does your grill start right up? Does your grill’s ignition button work? Every year many millions of arm hairs get singed (or worse) while grill chiefs attempt to fire up the burner with their butane lighters. Keep your grill far away from your home or porch. Store extra propane tank a safe distance away from the grill, as well.

2. Fireworks Safety- Most firework accidents happen with the “backyard” firework displays (usually consisting of drunk uncle and old fireworks, mostly of the loud, combustible, firecracker, M-80 variety). If you have the opportunity to go to a “professional,” town event your risk of injury or lawsuits are exponentially lower. IE- If you have the opportunity to view rather than host: view. Also, we should mention backyard fireworks can be terrifiying (and dangerous) to pets (& neighbors).

3. Swimming Pool Safety- Swimming pool fun can become dangerous and litigious due to the imminent threat of injury and drowning deaths. If you are the lucky owner of a swimming pool consider purchasing personal liability Umbrella coverage. Relatively inexpensive umbrella coverage can be between $1M – $5M additional personal liability coverage sitting on top of your homeowner insurance’s coverage.

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