Massachusetts Home Insurance Review

Massachusetts Home Insurance Review

Why is it important to have an annual Massachusetts Home Insurance Review?

We’ve seen it hundreds of times over the years. A prospective client shows us their home insurance coverage Declarations Page and there, at the top of the page, is: an eye-popping number.

“How long have you lived in your home?” I ask.

Over 20 years.

“Have you ever had a claim?”


“Do you have a Pit Bull?”


What on earth is going on here? A beautiful home, perfect clients and an insurance premium that is out of sight.

I go to our home insurance comparative rater and I verify my suspicions.

The home is over-insured and under-discounted.

I’ve heard it called: “the insurance two-step.” One step one way, another step the other way.

Left unchecked, a home insurance policy can go the way of a runaway train. Every year insurance companies increase the policy’s coverage A, Dwelling, amount by an average of 3 – 4%. When dealing with large numbers, over a number of years, the home insurance policy’s dwelling amount can get way too extravagant.

The dwelling amount should represent the home’s pure construction cost, or replacement cost. This number is very different than assessor or market values.

Another reason it’s important to suffer through an annual Massachusetts home insurance review is because insurance companies role out different discount programs every year.

With the assistance of HomeownerQuote, we’ll shop for the latest and greatest package discounts to ensure you’re not over-paying for home insurance.

Homeowners Insurance

homeowners insurance

Homeowners insurance is designed to protect your home from certain perils such as fire, theft, wind, hail, falling objects, riot, vehicle damage, explosion, smoke and bursting of pipes. Notable exclusions are: flood, earthquake, mold, mildew, rot or animal damage.

When setting up your policy your Massachusetts Independent Insurance Agent will attempt to come up with The Replacement Cost of your home. Not to be confused with Market Value, The Replacement Value is the amount of money it would take to replace you home if it were destroyed by an insurance loss. The Coverage A, Dwelling, amount should represent this Replacement Value.

Protect Your Home-

Your home is one of the largest investments you will ever have. You want to make certain that your coverage is tailored to your individual home and personal needs. Your Independent, Massachusetts Insurance Agent will offer quality, basic coverage with many features and many coverage options to enhance your protection.

Homeowners Insurance Coverage Protects:
  • Dwelling (your home)
  • Other Structures, such as a detached garage, shed, fence, mailbox or doghouse
  • Personal Property, including furniture, clothing, appliances and much more
  • Loss of Use, for living expenses, when the home is damaged and uninhabitable
  • Personal Liability Coverage, protects you and your family against a claim or lawsuit if someone is injured or their property is damaged while at your home
  • Medical Payments to Others
Coverage Options:

Personal Property Replacement Cost Protection. Provides full replacement cost (no depreciation)for your personal belongings

Replacement Cost Protection on your Dwelling. Provides the extra insurance you need to rebuild your house if your coverage amount is inadequate

Personal Injury. Protects you against libel and slander

Schedule Valuable Items. Provides a blanket of coverage that is broader than what a basic Homeowners policy provides. It is the right coverage for people who own valuable possessions such as jewelry, fine arts, collectibles, antiques and other “special items”

Umbrella Policy. Offers an additional $1 million to $10 million of liability protection.

Inexpensive Massachusetts home insurance

Inexpensive Massachusetts home insurance

Everyone is looking for inexpensive Massachusetts home insurance.

This writer, who lives in Massachusetts and happens to be an insurance agency owner, also looks for inexpensive home insurance.

Notice the word: “inexpensive” vs. the word: “cheap.”

Cheap implies something not good, not well made, something that will get broken under intense scrutiny.

As in: “I wish I had known that I had such a cheap policy before my pipes froze ….”

Over the past 25 years I’ve moved my home insurance twice. Both times packaging with my auto and taking advantage of new, hot discount programs.

How do you find the most inexpensive Massachusetts home insurance?

You find a trusted insurance agent that will shop your home and auto insurance with numerous carriers.

You contact us at:

Call, click or stop by.




Massachusetts Homestead Act

Massachusetts Homestead Act

The Massachusetts Homestead Act is designed to allow homeowners in MA to protect their primary residence against subsequent attachment, levy or sale to satisfy debts up to $500,000. The Homestead Law does not protect against: taxes or mortgages used to purchase the residence. Homeowners must file for the Homestead Act with The Registry of Deeds office in the county in which the residence is located.

Massachusetts charges a one time Filing Fee of $35 for a Declaration of Homestead.

Registry of Deeds Links:
Registry of Deeds Offices:


Located in:

Barnstable Barnstable
Northern Berkshire Adams
Middle Berkshire Pittsfield
Southern Berkshire Great Barrington
Northern Bristol Taunton
Southern Bristol New Bedford
Fall River Bristol Fall River
Dukes Edgartown
Northern Essex Lawrence
Southern Essex Salem
Franklin Greenfield

The Homestead Act
Questions & Answers

La Ley de Protección de Hogar Seguro
Preguntas y Respuestas

City/Town to Registry Guide


Located in:

Hampden Springfield
Hampshire Northampton
Northern Middlesex Lowell
Southern Middlesex Cambridge
Nantucket Nantucket
Norfolk Dedham
Plymouth Plymouth
Suffolk Boston
Northern Worcester Fitchburg
Worcester Worcester

Massachusetts Deed
Indexing Standards
(PDF, 276 kb)

Massachusetts Document
Formatting Standards,
Effective January 1, 2008
(PDF, 12 kb)

Home Insurance Help

home insurance too expensive

Is your home insurance too expensive? If so: you are not alone. Across the country insurance companies are hedging their bets to ensure they don’t lose money.

The stakes are high. New, trending now, AI (artificial intelligence), start-up insurance companies are launching new business paradigms.

Buyer, startups, insurance companies and agents beware.

Every year Massachusetts’ home insurance consumers should take a few minutes to review coverage and premiums with us here at HomeownerQuote.

As life changes, home insurance needs change as well.’s Renewal Checklist:
  • Do you own jewelry, furs or watches with values over $1,000?
  • Do you own silverware with a total value of over $2,500?
  • Do you have a collection of valuables, including: coins, stamps or other?
  • Do you own any of the following: Musical Instruments, Fine Arts or Antiques, Camera Equipment, Sports Equipment, Personal Computer?
  • Do you own a boat?
  • Is there a trampoline on your property?
  • Do you have any tools, equipment or other property used in your business or occupation?
  • Would you like your insurance to provide: Replacement Cost Protection on your Dwelling, on your Personal Property, Credit Card/forgery protection, Ordinance or Law coverage, Earthquake coverage?
  • Flood is not a covered loss on a homeowner policy. Would you like to obtain rates for flood insurance? Also excluded from coverage are such things such as: rot, mold, mildew or animal/vermin/insect damage.
  • Are you interested in receiving information on: Auto, Life, Excess Liability (Umbrella), Boat or Business Insurance?
Home Insurance Too Expensive?

Have us shop you with numerous companies to find you the best rates and coverage.

All we need is your address and within minutes we’ll send you a customized home insurance quote.

Use and put the power of the independent agent to work for you!

How Does Insurance Protect my Home?

Massachusetts Homestead Act

So, you ask yourself: How does insurance protect my home?

Homeowner insurance is designed to protect your home from certain perils such as fire, theft, wind, hail, falling objects, riot, vehicle damage, explosion, smoke and bursting of pipes. Notable exclusions are: flood, earthquake, mold, mildew, rot or animal damage.

When setting up your Massachusetts home insurance policy, will help you come up with the Replacement Cost of your home. Not to be confused with Market Value, the Replacement Value is the amount of money it would take to replace you home if it were destroyed by an insurance loss. The Coverage A, Dwelling, amount should represent this Replacement Value.

How Does Insurance Protect my Home?

Your home is one of the largest investments you will ever have. You want to make certain that your coverage is tailored to your individual home and personal needs. Your Independent, Massachusetts Insurance Agent will offer quality, basic coverage with many features and many coverage options to enhance your protection.

Homeowners Insurance Coverage Protects:

  • Dwelling (your home)
  • Other Structures, such as a detached garage, shed, fence, mailbox or doghouse
  • Personal Property, including furniture, clothing, appliances and much more
  • Loss of Use, for living expenses, when the home is damaged and uninhabitable
  • Personal Liability Coverage, protects you and your family against a claim or lawsuit if someone is injured or their property is damaged while at your home
  • Medical Payments to Others

Coverage Options:

  • Personal Property Replacement Cost Protection. Provides full replacement cost (no depreciation)for your personal belongings
  • Replacement Cost Protection on your Dwelling. Provides the extra insurance you need to rebuild your house if your coverage amount is inadequate
  • Personal Injury. Protects you against libel and slander
  • Schedule Valuable Items. Provides a blanket of coverage that is broader than what a basic Homeowners policy provides. It is the right coverage for people who own valuable possessions such as jewelry, fine arts, collectibles, antiques and other “special items”
  • Umbrella Policy. Offers an additional $1 million to $5 million of liability protection
  • Flood Coverage. Flood damage is typically not covered under a home
    • insurance policy. This affordable coverage covers damage to your property and provides cleanup reimbursement
    • Earthquake Endorsement


  • will find you products that are competitively priced & that offer great value with many money-saving discounts:
    • New or renovated home discount
    • Account discount when you insure both your auto and home with the same company
    • Loss free credit
    • Non-smoker credit
    • Security discounts are available for homes with: smoke detectors, dead bolts, fire extinguishers or alarm systems.

Massachusetts Homestead Act

Massachusetts Homestead Act

The Homestead Act is designed to allow homeowners in Massachusetts to protect their primary residence against subsequent attachment, levy or sale to satisfy debts up to $500,000.

The Homestead Law does not protect against: taxes or mortgages used to purchase the residence. Homeowners must file for the Homestead Act with The Registry of Deeds office in the county in which the residence is located.

Massachusetts charges a one time Filing Fee of $35 for a Declaration of Homestead.

Registry of Deeds Links:

Registry of Deeds Offices:


Located in:

Barnstable Barnstable
Northern Berkshire Adams
Middle Berkshire Pittsfield
Southern Berkshire Great Barrington
Northern Bristol Taunton
Southern Bristol New Bedford
Fall River Bristol Fall River
Dukes Edgartown
Northern Essex Lawrence
Southern Essex Salem
Franklin Greenfield

The Homestead Act
Questions & Answers

La Ley de Protección de Hogar Seguro
Preguntas y Respuestas

City/Town to Registry Guide


Located in:

Hampden Springfield
Hampshire Northampton
Northern Middlesex Lowell
Southern Middlesex Cambridge
Nantucket Nantucket
Norfolk Dedham
Plymouth Plymouth
Suffolk Boston
Northern Worcester Fitchburg
Worcester Worcester

Massachusetts Deed
Indexing Standards
(PDF, 276 kb)

Massachusetts Document
Formatting Standards,
Effective January 1, 2008
(PDF, 12 kb)

Oh No, Mold!

Oh No, Mold!

As independent insurance agents, we always hope there’s coverage for a client’s claim. However, sometimes when I hear certain things, such as “mold,” all the hope in the world probably won’t help.

When I hear the word “mold,” I think of homeowner insurance coverage exclusions.
Things that are excluded from dwelling coverage include: wear & tear, rot, mold, mildew, animal damage, earth movement (earthquake), flood & nuclear explosion.
If you’re worried about mold and mildew in your home, it’s better on the bank account to take care of sooner, rather than later.

Home Insurance for High Value Homes in Hopkinton, MA

Home Insurance for High Value Homes in Hopkinton, MA

Johnson & Rohan Insurance Agency is running a limited facebook campaign because we are so excited about our appointment with A- rated, Swyfft. We can now offer “Geico-like” savings on home insurance for high value homes in Hopkington, MA.

We decided on, of all towns and cities in Massachusetts: Hopkinton.

Why? Not only does The Marathon start in Hopkinton but so does the start of our new, Swyfft campaign. Hopkinton is a beautiful town and it’s growing. New construction and high values are well within Johnson & Rohan Insurance’s facebook campaign’s wheel house.

In addition to savings, Swyfft policies include guaranteed replacement cost on both dwelling and personal property coverage.

To qualify for coverage, your home must have: circuit breakers, be in good condition, not be rented, and have minimal claim history.

Getting a quote could not be any easier. Just enter your address and e-mail address. That’s all we need.

Within minutes you will receive a quote that will change how much you pay for home insurance.
